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Date and Time pickers - Localization

Date and Time pickers allow to support users from different locales, with formatting, RTL, and localized strings.

The default locale of MUI is English (United States). If you want to use other locales, follow the instructions below.

Localization can impact pickers components rendering in two distincts ways: The date format, and the components attributes such as aria-label.

Date-library locale

Use LocalizationProvider to change the date-library locale that is used to render pickers. Here is an example of changing the locale for the dayjs adapter:

12h/24h format

The time picker will automatically adjust to the locale's time setting, i.e. the 12-hour or 24-hour format. This can be overridden by using the ampm prop.

Advanced customization

To customize the date format used in the toolbar, you can use prop toolbarFormat.

To customize day names in calendar header, you can use dayOfWeekFormatter which takes as an input the short name of the day provided by the date-library and returns it's formatted version. The default formatter only keeps the first letter and capitalises it.

The example bellow adds a dot at the end of each day in the calendar header, and uses eee dd MMMM format for the toolbar.

Select date

Thu 07 April

<LocalizationProvider dateAdapter={AdapterDayjs}>
    onChange={(newValue) => {
    renderInput={(params) => <TextField {...params} />}
    dayOfWeekFormatter={(day) => `${day}.`}
    toolbarFormat="ddd DD MMMM"

Text translations

As the rest of MUI components, you can modify text and translations. You can find all the translation keys supported in the source in the GitHub repository.

Using the theme

To translate all your components from @mui/x-date-pickers and @mui/x-date-pickers-pro, you just have to import the locale from @mui/x-date-pikers (see the list of supported locales below).

import { createTheme, ThemeProvider } from '@mui/material/styles';
import { CalendarPicker, LocalizationProvider, bgBG } from '@mui/x-date-pickers';
import { AdapterDayjs } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/AdapterDayjs';
import bgLocale from 'date-fns/locale/bg';

const theme = createTheme(
    palette: {
      primary: { main: '#1976d2' },
  bgBG, // use 'bg' locale for UI texts (start, next month, ...)

<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
    adapterLocale={bgLocale} // use 'bg' locale for date parser/formatter
    <CalendarPicker />

Note that createTheme accepts any number of arguments. If you are already using the translations of the core components or the translations of the data grid, you can add bgBG as a new argument. The same import works for DataGridPro as it's an extension of DataGrid.

import { createTheme, ThemeProvider } from '@mui/material/styles';
import { DataGrid, bgBG as dataGridBgBG } from '@mui/x-data-grid';
import { bgBG as coreBgBG } from '@mui/material/locale';
import bgLocale from 'date-fns/locale/bg';
import { CalendarPicker, LocalizationProvider, bgBG } from '@mui/x-date-pickers';
import { AdapterDayjs } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/AdapterDayjs';

const theme = createTheme(
    palette: {
      primary: { main: '#1976d2' },
  bgBG, // x-date-pickers translations
  dataGridBgBG, // x-data-grid translations
  coreBgBG, // core translations

<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
  <LocalizationProvider dateAdapter={AdapterDayjs} adapterLocale={bgLocale}>
    <CalendarPicker />
    <DataGrid />

Using the localization provider

If you want to pass language translations without using createTheme and ThemeProvider, you can directly load the language translations from the @mui/x-date-pickers or @mui/x-date-pickers-pro package and pass them to the LocalizationProvider.

import { AdapterDayjs } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/AdapterDayjs';
import { CalendarPicker, LocalizationProvider, bgBG } from '@mui/x-date-pickers';
import bgLocale from 'date-fns/locale/bg';

  <CalendarPicker />

Using props

If you want to customize some translations on specific component, you can use the localeText prop exposed by all our pickers.

<DatePicker localeText={{ clearButtonLabel: 'Empty' }} />

Supported locales

Locale BCP 47 language tag Import name
English (United States) en-US enUS
Finnish fi-FI fiFI
French fr-FR frFR
German de-DE deDE
Icelandic is-IS isIS
Italian it-IT itIT
Japanese ja-JP jaJP
Korean ko-KR koKR
Norwegian (Bokmål) nb-NO nbNO
Persian fa-IR faIR
Polish pl-PL plPL
Spanish es-ES esES
Swedish sv-SE svSE
Turkish tr-TR trTr
Dutch nl-NL nlNL

You can find the source in the GitHub repository.

To create your own translation or to customize the English text, copy this file to your project, make any changes needed and import the locale from there. Note that these translations of the date and time picker components depend on the Localization strategy of the whole library.